Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Boys Think It's Great Fun to...

...get all the dirty clothes out of the laundry chute and spread them around on the floor of the laundry room.  They call it their bed, and they love to romp around on it.  Was it Josiah or David who first came up with this idea?  I'm not sure; but regardless, all of them joyfully participated one day this past week.  The things kids come up with!
Silly boys.  ;-)


Mike and Katie said...

Hmmm. My girls have a habit of doing this with the clean laundry. Then the baskets are boats. Especially like today when there are five baskets temptimg them in the living room. Those same five baskets are taunting me. I better go...

Sally said...

Hey, we used to do that as kids! I remember it now. I had forgotten about that. We didn't have a laundry room, but we would dump out the dirty clothes hampers and make a big pile somewhere and play in it. It was a LOT of fun! I'm glad you let your boys have that same home-made fun.