Friday, June 24, 2011

Lunch Is Served!

The boys are settled down, having quiet time and naps, and now it's time for my lunch.  Hmmm...what should I eat?  [Open refrigerator door.]  Let's see...there's a little bit of strawberry yogurt...
...left in this container.  
I think I can do something with that.

Let's add some walnuts.


And some raisins.

Even better.

Next, an apple, crisp and cold from the frig.

This is getting better and better all the time!  But it still needs...something...

I know!  Chocolate chips!  Chocolate improves EVERYTHING, right?


Now, let me grab a spoon and stir...
and stir some more.
Until finally, my concoction is ready. 
Lunch is served!  :)


Elizabeth said...

YUM! Cute post!

Bonnie said...

And because they are "all natural" even the chocolate chips are healthy! At least that's my excuse.

Miriam said...

Oh, like a Waldorf Salad with yogurt instead of mayonnaise! Now you have me wishing we had some apples on hand!!

Anonymous said...

That's my kind of thinking! Looks yummy!

Sally said...

I sometimes scoop out some yogurt and put granola with it for a snack. It's really good.

Is that ALL you eat for lunch? I think I would starve. I had 2 hamburgers (with buns), a ton of watermelon, some pretzels, and some corn chips.

I'm glad you found something to eat. Sometime you'll have to find out what we're having and drop in on one day when the menu is good!

Sarah-Anne said...

you are so resoureful, friend... ;)

Carol said...

I havenever been a yogurt fan, but this does sound like a delicious lunch!