Saturday, October 18, 2014

When Internet Friends Become Real

I'm not sure when Rebekah and I first started reading each other's blogs, but it was definitely during the days of my old blog.

So, YEARS ago.  :)

But regardless of when we first "met" online, I know very well when we first met in real life.

Yesterday.  :)

She and her husband Daniel were vacationing with his family in Virginia and kindly made time in their schedule to drive here from Williamsburg, just so they could visit us.  I was thrilled to meet them in person, after years of reading Rebekah's thoughts, praying for her challenges, and being inspired by her lofty goals.  I've seen her grow up--from a single woman to a wife--and I'm especially excited because Rebekah is expecting their first child, and I'm eager to watch her transition into the role of a new mother.  Such special times!  :)

When my boys learn that guests are coming, one of their biggest hopes is that those guests will play a game with them.  :)  Sure enough, Rebekah and Daniel were good sports and allowed themselves to be dragged into a (very!) long game of Uno after our supper yesterday.  As a matter of fact, nobody actually won the game, since it had to be halted due to the lateness of the hour...but Tobin was quick to tell me that he had the least amount of cards in his hand when they stopped.  ;-)

 I loved how Moriah climbed up into David's chair and made room for herself there.  :)
 Meanwhile, Jeff was entertaining Shav in the living room by making funny faces, bringing forth peals of laughter from Shav.  :)

 Moriah decided Daniel's lap was a pretty good place to hang out, too.
 Daniel had just a few cards at this point in the game.  ;-)
 Shav was particularly excited about Daniel being here because Shav's middle name is Daniel, and he jumped at the opportunity to have a "The Daniels" picture, after watching his big brother David have a special picture taken with Uncle David every time we get together.  Moriah barged right into some of the photos though.  :)

 We added a third Daniel: the one in the painting done by my extremely talented father-in-law.  :)
 I wish I had thought to get a group picture when Jeff was home, too; but unfortunately he had already left for work when we took this.
 I'm so very glad that Rebekah and I got the chance to meet.
Now when I read her blog, I'll be able to hear her voice in my head!  :)

Thanks, Rebekah and Daniel, for making us part of your Virginia vacation.  Come again anytime!!  :)

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