Thursday, October 23, 2014

Moriah's First Refrigerator-Worthy Art

At the ripe old age of two and a half, Moriah has decided to take up art.  On a daily basis, she goes to the drawer where we keep paper and pulls out a piece, then goes to the homeschool closet and gets out the colored pencils; and then starts doodling.  What's even better is when she hears her brothers asking for a coloring picture to be printed from the computer; she eagerly requests--and receives--one, too.

With having a new dog in the house, I've been fielding lots of petitions for dog coloring pages.  Tobin colored one like a patchwork quilt, which I thought was creative and nicely done.
And Moriah?  Well, you can see her style of art.  ;-)
It was fun to put her picture on the refrigerator to be admired by everyone--the first of many works of art she'll grace us with, I have no doubt.  ;-)

Here is the little artist herself this morning.  When I looked out from the kitchen and spotted her on the porch, I grabbed the camera.
 And when she looked up and saw me watching her through the window, her eyes brightened...
 ...she waved...
 ...and then showed me that she was using a marker.
She isn't really supposed to have free reign with the markers, but she is getting more responsible with them, so I let her continue using them.  So what if her hands get some marker ink on them; it will eventually wash off.

It's the price of creativity.  ;-)

1 comment:

sally said...

Well, yes, the hands, marker will eventually wash off. The clothes, the accidental marks on the couch cushions, and the broad sweeping strokes that go beyond the borders of the whiteboard, well, those *ouch* are what I suppose memories are made of (in 25 years)?

On another note, those are cute pictures of Moriah. I'm so glad she discovered art. It really fills a lot of time for the kids in this house, especially the girls, and I am about to suffocate under all the art pictures around here...