Thursday, July 18, 2013

"Now You, Bacon!"

After supper this evening, Tobin pulled out a box of these big blocks and started playing with them (as did Moriah).  :)  After he built this...
...he informed me that it was Noah's ark!  When he added the long green piece that sticks out of the back of the boat (to the left in the photo), he was trying to explain to me what it was, but I couldn't think of the name of that part of a ship.  David suggested that it was the plank.  Trying to make them laugh, I said in a mock stern voice, "Walk the plank, Ham!"

To which David instantly retorted, "Now you, Bacon!"

"David," I shrieked with laughter, "Do you know why I said that?  It was because Noah had a son named Ham!"

"Oh," he said in a quieter voice.  But he couldn't let the fun die then so he kept making jokes about Porkchop--and other cuts of meat from a pig--walking the plank.

I may never be able to read Genesis 9 with a straight face again.  ;-)


Last evening Jeff picked a large bucket full of green beans and brought them into the house to be prepared for canning--a task which usually involves "all hands on deck!" around here.  Tobin took one look at the beans and then asked, "Do I really have to help?  I'm not that good!"

Nice try, buddy.  You're going to have to get a lot more creative with your excuses to have any chance of being let off the hook.  And by the way, it takes hardly any skill to snap the ends off beans, so yes, you ARE good enough!  :)

In the end, we canned 11 quarts of dill beans last night.

And Tobin helped.  :)


Unknown said...

I will never read Ham the same either.

Anonymous said...

LOL I will never think of Ham the same way either!!