Monday, July 1, 2013

I Have One Son

I have one son who was born in Israel.

I have one son who was born in California.

I have one son who still sucks his thumb.

I have one son who used to suck a pacifier.

I have one son who took tennis lessons.

I have one son who takes gymnastics.

I have one son who seems unable to remember to lift the toilet seat...and as a result, I sometimes wish he could trade places with me for a day so he could be on the other side and see how it is to experience that particular issue from a woman's point of view!  Maybe if I traded places with him, I would realize how difficult it is to remember to lift the seat?  Or maybe not.  ;-)

I have one son who is left-handed.

I have one son who does not like to eat green onions from the garden.

I have one son who does not have a little brother.

I have one son who has a mole on the middle finger of his right hand.

I have one son who was born while I was standing up.

I have one son who was born while I was lying down.

I have one son who was born while I was sitting on a birthing chair.

I have one son who was born while I was reclining on a bean bag on the floor.

I have one son who apparently finds the beginning consonants of many words purely optional because he drops them like crazy.  And most of the time, we understand him just fine without them.  :)

I have one son who learned to read when he was four.

I have one son who has never been on an airplane.

I have one son who was born in the winter.

I have one son who was born in the summer.

I have one son who was born after his due date.

I have one son whose favorite drink is hot grape juice.

I have one son who loves to come over to our room in the wee hours of the morning and ask if he can sleep in our bed "for a widdle bit."  And then he stays there the rest of the night.  :)
I love so much each of my wonderful, ONE-of-a-kind sons!!!  :)


Unknown said...

Each of your sons is truly amazing!

The Coderlambian said...

Such a sweet post! I enjoyed all of you one-of-a-kinds!