Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Month of Maying

Know what my favorite madrigal is?

Here's a hint...  :)

Yes, the month of Maying is finally here, and is most welcome, too!  This marvelous month "when merry lads are playing..."

Or watching a luna moth...

Or helping their dad plant potatoes...

Or picking dandelions for their mommy...

Or something like that.

I guess those phrases wouldn't work quite as beautifully in the song.  But if Sir Thomas Morley could come back from the dead and rewrite his madrigal, my boys could certainly give him some good ideas for what to include!  ;-)

Regardless, we agree with him about one thing...
The Spring, clad all in gladness, doth laugh at Winter's sadness!  
Fa la la la la!


The Coderlambian said...


Valerie said...

I'm sorry, I don't mean to ruin the joy of this post but I see that moth with your children and I want to take a shower. My kids would *geek out* if they were that close to that bug. (Hmm, wonder where they get that from?)


A country girl, I am not. Wanna hear a story? I was digging up weeds in my front flower bed the other day (I say flower bed, but there isn't a single flower. It's ALL weeds.) I was using a hoe and then scooping up weeds to put in the trash can. It was then that I noticed something dangling off the end of the hoe. I speared a frog. A FROG! I threw down the hoe, announced it was time to go inside, and left the poor speared frog for my husband to deal with when he got home from work.

Some of God's creation is just better (for me) to be viewed from (quite) a distance. :)

Davene Grace said...

Oh, Valerie, this made me laugh! I shouldn't give you much of a hard time though because you know how I am about snakes!! But still--it was just a moth! :)

Did your kids notice the frog on the end of your hoe? :) Thank God for husbands who are brave enough to compensate for our weaknesses! :)