Saturday, May 18, 2013

First Come Blueberries, Then Come Strawberries

I LOVE fruit--so much so that I think I could probably survive just by eating and drinking things from the fruit food group and the dairy food group.  If I couldn't survive, I would at least have fun trying.  ;-)

With my great affection for fruit, it's no wonder that #5 on my list of Seven Goals for the New Year was to plant strawberries, raspberries, and some fruit trees.  If I could get all of those (plus my blueberry bushes, which, by the way, now ALL have leaves!--even that spindly little bundle of sticks that I thought was hopeless but I was willing to pray for anyway)  ;-) to grow and thrive and actually produce fruit, I'd feel like a rich woman.  ;-)  

This week I was able to spend time working on my strawberry project, which consisted of transforming this packed-full-of-lilies-and-weeds bed around the patio...

...into this: an open space with nothing but strawberry plants in it!
I transplanted quite a few of the lilies down to my parents' house, so they can enjoy the flowers later this summer.  :)
As for me, I plan to enjoy sweet, juicy strawberries!  I will be glad, however, to share them with my parents...and with Jeff...and with our fruit-loving kids.  :)
These pictures, by the way, are interesting to me because I took them on two different days; and the contrast between them is so striking to me, even though the only difference between them is that on the first day, the sun was shining.  On the second, clouds covered the sun.  The amount and quality of the light completely changed the color and vibrancy of the plants in these photos.

Planting something is always an act of faith.
Here's hoping that my faith is rewarded someday with many more of these luscious jewels!!  :)


Unknown said...

JDaniel would be sneaking these as soon as they were ready.

Sally said...

You sure are accomplishing great things! I'm almost jealous!

Miriam said...

I'm excited for you! Growing fruit is on my wish list.