Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Tobin's Asleep! Do You Want to Take a Picture?"...

...David called out as he rushed down the steps at the end of afternoon quiet time recently.  "He's wearing the joker hat and his boots, and it's really funny!"

"Sure, I'll take a picture of him!" I replied, as I grabbed my camera and ascended the stairs to Tobin's room to discover what crazy sleeping position he'd gotten himself into this time.  Here is what I found:
 I've often thought that I really should create a whole new category for this blog:  Sleeping Boys, or something like that.  Counting my posts here at Spilled, as well as all my posts during my four years of blogging at Life on Sylvan Drive, I wonder how many pictures I've posted of my sons sleeping?!
One can never have too many pictures of one's children fast asleep, you know!  :)


Elizabeth said...

I love it! I have yet to discover my children in some kind of crazy outfit or sleeping position, but you have enough for the both of us! Ha! Precious!

Anonymous said...

hehe silly boy! I think Sammy has done that once in his life.. he ended up being sick.. so not sure it really counts :-P He looks adorable sleeping like that!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Oh, absolutely delightful. One day, you are going to be so very, very glad you grabbed your camera at all these opportunities :)

Anonymous said...

I love that he feel asleep with his hat and boots on.

Leah said...

Aww.. haha! I think it's also funny that David knew that you'd want to be alerted to a funny sleeping Tobin!

Patti said...

I always wish I had stop-action photos leading up to the actual moment that they fell asleep. You just know it was hard fought.

It's such a sweet life to be able to drift off in the midst of play.

Rebecca said...

Priceless photo! Looks like he wore himself out playing.