Saturday, June 18, 2011

For Once

I've been working on Josiah's birthday post and was hoping to get that finished this evening, but goodness gracious, look at the time!  I think the wiser course of action is to get myself to bed...just as soon as I post a few pictures that make me smile.  :)

I found something in my bed last night.
 Or should I say, someone?
Tobin, who is known for falling asleep in all kinds of crazy situations (on the floor, wearing boots and a hat, just to mention one example!), was actually sleeping in a bed.  He looked COMFORTABLE!  :)
In all seriousness, Tobin regularly falls asleep in a bed.  Every night, as a matter of fact.  In his bed.  Except for last night, of course, when he fell asleep in mine.  :)

I guess it's just his daytime sleep that tends to be accompanied by unique circumstances.  I guess that's the only time I grab my camera and capture a picture.  I guess it's a good thing I took this picture last night.

It may be the only "normal" sleeping picture of Tobin that we have!  ;-)


Unknown said...

Sleeping little ones are so precious!

Amy said...

So cute! We allow our boys to fall asleep in our bed 1 night a week. They always look forward to this--it seems simple to me, but is a great treat to them.

Anonymous said...

So sweet!! He looks comfy!