Thursday, October 25, 2012

This Is Why

Sometimes I look at Jed and I think, "What in the world are we doing?  There's an ANIMAL in our house!" Since we've never had indoor pets (and, at times, I said I NEVER would), it's a pretty big change for us.  

But even though having Jed hasn't made my house any cleaner, it hasn't decluttered the living room since now we have a basket of his toys and a mat for his bed in that room, it hasn't lowered our expenses, and it hasn't freed up any time in my schedule, it's still worth it.  Why?  Because of moments like these...
 Boy and dog, just being together in friendly companionship.
This is why we got a dog.  :)


Unknown said...

They look so content to just be together.

Valerie said...

Aww <3 I want a dog! If only my husband and kids weren't allergic! I want a Great Pyrenees. They are BIG dogs. All of my kids love them (there are 2 strays in the neighborhood) but we can't have an inside dog. *insert pitty party for Valerie here* ;)

Sally said...

We sure don't have a dog, but with the little girls (and one big girl--myself) we sure have hair all over the place. Anyway, I'm glad you all are enjoying Jed so much. I'll bet he's enjoying you all too!