Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Lot Can Happen in a Decade

It was exactly ten years ago today that I first began to blog (and six years since I moved to this blog).

I began with an abundance of enthusiasm--as demonstrated by the EIGHT blog posts I wrote that first day and the FORTY posts I wrote during the remainder (14 days) of January--but also with a little hesitancy and skepticism, mostly about my own ability to "keep it up."  Would blogging be a short-term interest of mine, the appeal of it dropping away swiftly after my first burst of excitement?

I guess the past decade of blogging has answered that question sufficiently.  ;-)

My schedule is much too full this week to devote more time to reflection about all that has transpired since I began to blog, but I couldn't let the significance of this day pass without some small mention.  I look back on the past ten years with eyes dazzled by the grace God has shown me, and I look ahead to the next...who knows?...ten years, perhaps longer, maybe shorter, with a heart filled with anticipation.  It's been a delight to capture the big and small moments of life here in this space, so for tonight, let me simply add a few more little tidbits.

We got to pop in and see this tiny bundle of sweetness this afternoon on our way to the beginning of Josiah's speech and debate tournament (his second of the year).  Beautiful little Adelyn is the daughter of my friend-of-many-years Elizabeth, and she is just perfect.
 Josiah and David thought so, too.  :)
 When Josiah, David, and I got home late tonight from helping to set things up for the tournament, I spotted a few treasures in the kitchen.  It appears my young artists were busy today while under the fun and tender care of their daddy.  :)

Let the second decade begin!!  :)

1 comment:

Bekahcubed said...

Congratulations! I started blogging in a stop and start fashion, doing all my own html and eschewing fancy blogging platforms until I broke down and started using WordPress sometime in grad school. As a result, I really have no idea when I started since some of my content got lost during various updates.