Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wordless Wednesday {Josiah Bought Face Paint, and Then...}


Homeschool on the Croft said...

Every photo of one of your boys - who will remain nameless, but you'll know who - makes me gasp at how GROWN UP he's becoming :O
Every photo of certain other of your boys - again remaining nameless - makes me want to EAT them. #cuteness (I fear I'm going to grow into one of these older women who is going to terrify wee boys cos I'll be the one who 'always wants to eat us'!)
A x

sally said...

Oh my! I hope they didn't go wind up in the curtains right after this!!! At my house, it wouldn't have stopped at the face, my furniture, sheets, towels, and all kinds of surfaces would have gotten some color!