Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Technical Difficulties

In case anyone has wondered about my recent lack of blog posts, this should clear it up: I've been having technical difficulties!  Our computer that I use for most of my blogging (because it's connected to my external hard drive that is the storage for my photos and because it has Picasa, the photo editing software I use, on it) has been mysteriously afflicted with a strange disease and wasn't working at all for a few days.  Jeff, the computer doctor, managed to resurrect it somewhat today; but tonight it won't load my pictures into the blog post I was trying to do.  Well, let me rephrase that: it loaded ONE picture.  Why it let this one through and not any of the others, I'll never know.  At least it's a cute picture!  ;-)
Hopefully I'll figure out some way to get back to more regular blogging soon.  (And speaking of blogging, it JUST dawned on me today that we are well into May and I still don't have a new header ready, nor do I know what pictures I'm going to use in it.  One more thing to accomplish tomorrow.  Maybe.)  ;-)

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