Friday, May 8, 2015

A Sentimental Springtime Walk

I intended this to be a Wordless Wednesday post; but here it is, early Friday morning, and I'm just now able to finish it up.  The computer problems I mentioned in the last post have persisted; and the worst part is that the main (perhaps only?) symptom of the disease that has struck the computer is that, at any moment while you're using the computer, it can randomly decide to up and quit on you!  I find my heart rate slightly elevated even now as I type this.  Will the screen suddenly black out?  Or will I be able to finish this post tonight?  Oh, the suspense!!  ;-)

Well, to increase my odds of successfully finishing this while the computer is still in the mood to cooperate, I'm going to limit my comments in it.  You can read in previous posts (The Walk in 2012, and in 2013, and in 2014) about the significance of the lilacs to me and the specialness of this annual photo shoot with Moriah and the lilacs.  I won't repeat that all here.  :)

As you can see, the sun was pretty bright in the first spot we went to, so after a little bit, we moved further down the row of bushes and found a shadier area.  :)

Lilacs do have a lovely scent!  :)

I tried to get a good picture with Moriah holding the vase I always use (I use it because my mother always used it) for lilac bouquets, but even though it didn't have any water in it, Moriah still thought it was too, too heavy.  Next year, it will be easier for her.  ;-)
I also tried to get a selfie, something I am not extremely skilled at with this camera.  At least we're both in this picture (unlike some of my selfie-with-Moriah attempts!).  ;-)
 I love her eyelashes.  I pretty much love everything about her.  ;-)
 She was actually giving me a kiss, despite it appearing like she's trying to take a bite out of my cheek!  ;-)
And with that, our cherished annual walk to the backyard to pick lilacs was over.
 Until next year, beautiful blooms!!  :)


Ruth said...

Oh my, I can almost smell those lilacs! Mmmmm.... I'll have to wait awhile yet until ours are blooming. But at least we're finally having nice warm weather now here in Ontario!

sally said...

Oh, Moriah is SO lovely! You took some breath-takingly beautiful pictures of her. And, the purple of her dress just makes the whole picture even more lovely. I love that you are taking the time to keep up this tradition.