Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wordless Wednesday, Video Edition {Daddy's Birthday!}


sally said...

This is so neat! I loved watching these videos. Andrew asked, "Where's Moriah?"

On a side note, I'm impressed that you can have gifts under the tree and Moriah not unwrap them! You're doing something right over there.

Davene Grace said...

Sally - :) Moriah was in bed. Some things are easier to do when she's not around--although to tell you the truth, I just didn't think about doing this when she was awake! :)

About the gifts... Moriah, for all her faults, is honestly a pretty compliant little girl; and when she knows that something is off limits, she (usually) obeys. There is one ornament on the tree that she likes to take off, and I let her because it's not breakable and I don't mind putting it back on when she's done with it. But other than that, she hasn't really bothered the ornaments or the gifts at all. So even though I get a little impatient with her delays in some areas (like talking!), I am GRATEFUL for her sweet, easy-going, non-boundary-pushing spirit. :)