Friday, December 13, 2013

Slowing Down

One glance at the calendar hanging on our kitchen wall is all it takes to confirm that the first half of the month will be very different than the second half.  In the first couple of weeks, the squares on the calendar are filled with notations about events: rehearsals, concerts, lessons, Grandma Fisher's flight info, gymnastics class, a note to pick up our half of a beef from the butcher shop, and so forth.  But in the second half--oh, glory!--the scheduled activities are few and far between.  Seeing the bare space on the upcoming calendar days makes me feel like I can breathe again.  :)

These slow days give us time to stay in pajamas a lot do unnecessary things... what Josiah did this morning.  "It's been a while since I've built a train track," he announced.  "I think I'll do that today."  Then, turning to his two youngest brothers, he struck a deal: "Tobin and Shav, if you clean up the floor of your room, I'll build a train track for you!"

My goodness!  What mother wouldn't be thrilled by this turn of events?!  :)

 All went peacefully, for the most part, until a certain little girl wanted to get a little too involved in the construction project.  A barrier was erected, and the project continued.
 And the little girl snuggled with her doll on a brown box--her favorite place to sit in Mommy and Daddy's room.  :)

 Meanwhile, four brothers worked and played together, unhurried by outside pressures or the ticking clock.
 This--THIS--is one of the Big Three Reasons we have chosen to educate our children at home.
And this is what makes my heart smile tonight.


Bekahcubed said...

How nice to see the brothers playing together so peacefully.

sally said...

I continue to marvel at your ability to keep your house clean perpetually. Even having just finished your busy schedule, it looks so tidy and clean!

So glad things are slowing down to a breathable pace for you all. I just had to get a hold of my mind and realize *I* was the one who determined how my days went, then take responsibility and set the priorities that I wanted. Hence, drop the school, forget the cleaning, and get my sewing of gifts done! I'm still working on them, but I sure am happier doing what I want to do and not having the cloud of stress (how-will-I-ever-get-this-done) bugging me night and day. Now, if all my people will get well and stay well for more than 1 1/2 days, I might even have happier kids around me!

Miriam said...

I love all of this!!

Davene Grace said...

Thank you so much, Rebekah and Miriam! :)

Sally, oh my goodness, my house is NOT clean! As a matter of fact, I have thought many times that I'm not sure my house has ever been as dirty as it is now. I feel like I've really let it go this semester because I've been focused on other things. I DO try to keep certain areas of it picked up and generally organized, because if I don't, I go CRAZY! ;-) But not all areas are decluttered, to be sure. And even the areas that are basically clutter-free still are not truly clean. The dust bunnies under the couch! The cobwebs in the corners! The stickiness on the kitchen floor! The crud in the bathroom! And on and on... Well, it's terrible. But I have company coming on Saturday so between now and then, a transformation will occur; and at least some of this dirt will be conquered!! :)