Saturday, December 14, 2013

Somebody's Nesting...

...but this time, it isn't me!

It's this lovely lady...
 ...who surprised us all by starting to lay eggs!
 I didn't realize a lovebird without a mate would do such a thing, but Heather showed us it's possible.  Besides the five eggs grouped together in the above picture, I believe there's another egg, too.  After the first was laid in this nest area, we found another one in a different part of her cage; and unless she was able to move it over to join the others, it's buried under these papers that she shreds (and shreds and shreds).
Heather spends most of her time sitting on the eggs and is FIERCELY protective of them.  She is also abnormally quiet.  She chirps occasionally but is nothing like the very noisy bird that used to disrupt my ability to homeschool!  I can't say that I mind.  Maybe after she's done with these eggs, we'll have to get some white marbles for her to sit on so I can hear myself think.  ;-)

She's a good little mama, that's for sure!  Too bad (for her) that nothing will come of it!


sally said...

Oh my! This is a bit funny. Since these eggs are never going to hatch, how will she ever be done nesting? I don't might not need to get out the marbles. I'm interested to hear how long she thinks they need incubated.

Davene Grace said...

Sally, that's a good question! I really have no idea how long she'll be interested in sitting on them. I hope they don't stay there until they spoil and then accidentally get broken and leave a horrible smell. But they're so small that I really can't imagine that being too much of a possibility. For now, Heather is happy to sit on them...and we're happy to leave them there for her! :)