Saturday, December 7, 2013

Seven Times We've Climbed These Hills

Way back in 2007, Jeff first heard about a nearby Christmas tree farm that he thought we should check out.  And that is how a tradition was born.  :)

This year was extra special because we got to go while Grandma Fisher was here--her first time being with us when we started decorating and preparing for Christmas.  She, however, declined to climb the hills, but patiently waited in the Big White Van for us to return after our jaunt.  :)

Jeff and the boys headed off at a brisk pace, while Moriah and I followed at a much more leisurely one.

So leisurely, in fact, that we soon lost sight of the boys.

While Moriah enjoyed the challenge of walking up and down the hilly, rough ground and exploring new surroundings, I had to content myself with watching--and photographing--her.

It was tough, let me tell you.  ;-)

Eventually we did find the boys.  At this point they, despite their exuberant leaping and running around, had not yet found the candy cane tree.

See that black object in the middle of the picture?  That's Jeff.  I decided I didn't really need a picture of him cutting down the tree this year and could wait at the top of the hill for him, rather than carrying Moriah down--and then back up--it.
So I watched her explore some more.
The boys reminded me of the gazelles and young stags of Song of Songs 2:8-9a as I watched them race towards Jeff.
He had called to them that he knew where the candy cane tree was, so they raced off to find it.  :)

And here comes my beloved!  Even though I didn't get a picture of him cutting down the tree, I did get a picture of him dragging the tree.  Good enough, right?  ;-)
Success at last!  Somebody found the candy cane tree.  :)
You know why I love Jeff?  Because every year, he's willing to load up everyone in the van, drive through the countryside, grab a saw, climb up and down hills, choose a tree, cut it down, drag it back to the van, visit the springhouse for free hot chocolate and ornaments, leave a check there, take a picture on the old sled, drive home, usually saw off either the top or the bottom of the tree to make it fit, turn the screws of the tree stand to hold it steady, adjust it when I say the tree is leaning, untangle strings of lights, make sure they work, fix them if they don't, then put lights on the tree.  He does all of this, simply because he loves us and wants to gladden our hearts.

You know why Jeff loves me?  Because I am not picky AT ALL about which tree he chooses.  He could pick any old tree from the whole entire farm, and I would be happy.  Tall, short, full, skimpy, with a big hole in one side or really doesn't matter.  We're so far from achieving a magazine-worthy look in our Christmas decorating that I don't worry about it one bit.  Being the furthest thing from picky about our Christmas tree has been a good thing in our marriage.  ;-)

Glad hearts all around.  :)

Looking back through the years:  getting the tree in 2007...and in 2008...and in 2009...and in 2010...and in 2011...and in 2012.

1 comment:

sally said...

Christmas decorating, well, decorating of any kind, really, is so far down on my list. I'm so glad Andrew takes care of nearly all of it. We are planning to go out to the Christmas tree farm this morning right after breakfast. I hope they still have the candy cane tree up. Last year they had taken it down by the time we got there. We're going earlier in the month this time.