Friday, January 17, 2014

So She DOES Talk?

Up until now, Moriah has mostly communicated with grunts; and I've laughingly wondered if she thinks herself part of a people group that only uses one syllable to communicate, but changes the meaning solely on the basis of inflection!  She'd fit in pretty well there.  :)

I haven't worried about her relative lateness to acquire speech, but I have been eager for her to begin to talk because I know what a whole new (happy!) world opens up to a child who can start to verbally express herself.  So I've prayed that God would open her mouth, loose her tongue, and give her the gift of language--all in His good timing.

Well, well, well.  It seems that Little Miss Grunts-a-Lot is on the verge of really beginning to talk.  The verge, I say.  Not all the way there, but getting a whole lot closer than she was a month or so ago.

Have a listen?

Well done, my sweet girl!  We're so proud of you!!  :)


sally said...

I loved this! I can't wait to see her in person again--soon I hope.

Unknown said...

This is really cool! Hooray for her!

Anonymous said...

Such a sweetie! Julia has been slow to talk too. Although her nickname would be Little Miss Screams-a-lot so talking is much more pleasant!
