Tuesday, January 28, 2014

In the Big Ol' Net, Vol. 2

Some nights, after the kids are in bed, I sit down at the computer, words bursting forth, ready to write and share what's on my heart.

Some nights, I sit down at the computer, my energy too low and my heart too full to bring forth any words.  Instead, I read what others have written and see what others have photographed.  Usually this encourages me.  ;-)\

Some nights, I don't even make it to the computer.  Often those nights involve a good book, a fire in the woodstove, and a comfy couch.  Put those three things together, and I'm a goner.  ;-)

On the nights that I surf the 'net but don't write anything, sometimes I find little gems--things I want to show my boys or come back to for my own benefit.

Things like these.  :)



On some wintry day that needs a little extra something in it, I want to make these with my boys.  :)


I think you might have to sign in (it's free!) to view this, but this gallery is stunning.  S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G.  Really, really amazing photos from around the world.  (And because I looked at these photos, I experienced a first: I actually think it would be fun to visit Iceland!  To say the least, it was never on my list of Places to See before now.)  :)


After they saw this, my boys pretty much decided we should live in a house like this.  :)


Who knew weather photos could be so incredibly amazingly fantastically phenomenal?  :)


If I had a million dollars, I would travel; and you can bet some of these places would be on my list!  :)


Changing the subject quite a bit, I was really grateful to read this article about the need for, and benefits of, play during childhood because--true confession time--sometimes I feel like I let my kids play too much.  Maybe they should be doing household chores more, I tell myself.  Maybe we should be tackling other areas of study.  Maybe they should be doing more than just playing for hours on end!  And then I read this article and I think, "OK, maybe we're doing just fine like we are.  Maybe I'll go ahead and let them keep playing."  :)


We always need more laughter, right?  :)

(By the way, the first In the Big Ol' Net post is here.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What wonderful links! I am off to check them out.