Friday, January 17, 2014

On a Snowy Night

The other night, I read stories to Tobin and Shav, hugged and kissed them, tucked them into bed, turned out the light, then blew them a final kiss as I walked out their door.

A few minutes later, I glanced outside and realized IT WAS SNOWING!  I suppose I should have paid more attention to the weather forecast because, although I vaguely remembered hearing something about a "wintry mix," I really had no idea it might actually snow, so it was all a big surprise--a delightful surprise, as snow always is for me.

Snow is enough of a rarity around here that I just couldn't let the boys lie in bed, not knowing about the snow, so I went back upstairs to tell them about it.  Tobin, who wasn't feeling particularly well, had already fallen asleep; but Josiah, David, and Shav got up and came to the bathroom window... look out on the beauty descending upon us.

I wasn't sure which was more lovely: the peaceful, falling snow or the beloved boys watching it.
 Then I decided that the boys take the cake; they are more beautiful to my eyes!  :)

After the boys were back in bed, I continued to watch the snow fall...
 ...and I wished for a little of the ability of Snowflake Bentley so that I could more adequately capture with a camera the absolute wonder of what my eyes were seeing in real life.

The next day, most of the snow melted away, leaving little to remind us of the snowy night we had just had.  Poor as they are, I'm still glad to have these pictures to remember it by, because there's just something special about a snowy night.  :)

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