Wednesday, November 6, 2013

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday {She's Here!}

So happy to have Jeff's mom here with us again!!!  :)


Miriam said...

Hooray! I know you all are going to have such a wonderful time. Do I see Josiah unwrapping a cake?? :)

(Your spam protection word is "beesweb"... either a confused bee or a confused spider? ;) )

Davene Grace said...

That's so funny about the spam protection word! :)

Actually, Josiah was taking the wrap off a bowl of candy corn. :)

sally said...

Candy corn?!! I hope it was for a craft project. When we were growing up, if candy corn came to our house, it eventually ended up buried in the garden. Not a one of us liked it, and no one could stand to eat it, and even though it was horribly wasteful, we didn't know what to do with it, so we eventually took it out to the garden. I have discovered in my later years, that there are people who like it, but I don't know how or why. I guess there is a small chance someone in your large family likes candy corn, but if you don't, know that there are ways to handle it!;)

I'm really glad your MIL is visiting. I know you folks will have a lot of fun.

P.S. If you like candy corn, I wish we had known that 15 years ago!