Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Real Doll and a Little Mama

When Josiah was a very young boy, living in Israel, he was given a doll by some friends of ours.  It was a little boy doll, the mascot for a snack food company that was popular in Israel.

He totally ignored the doll.

Since Josiah LOVED taking baths, we decided to put the doll (it was plastic) in the bath with him and see if that would intrigue him enough to play with it.

He still ignored the doll.

We gave up and eventually, if my memory is correct, ended up giving it to someone else who would appreciate it more.  :)

Fast forward 10 or so years, and once again a doll has entered our family.  In this case, Grandma Fisher found it at a yard sale (she is a very faithful yard-saler and finds AMAZING deals) and brought it with her to give to Moriah--Moriah's first doll-that-you-can-dress.  (You can read a previous installment of the Moriah/doll saga here.)  Can you guess what Moriah's reaction was?
As you can see, Moriah was immediately taken with it.  As soon as it was handed to her, Moriah grabbed hold of it and didn't let go for a long time.
She looked at it and studied it carefully...
...held it lovingly...
...and carried it around with her.
The little doll sleeps in Moriah's crib (and often, when I go in Moriah's room to get her up from a nap, her doll is the first thing she hands to me so I can hug and kiss it, too)...
...regularly gets its clothes taken off and is, you could say, well-loved.
I suppose it shouldn't have come as a shock to me that Moriah was strongly maternal, but I'll admit that it did surprise me a little when I saw how quickly she was attached to the doll.
She's a sweet little mama, for sure.  :)


sally said...

This is so sweet! I'm glad she's enjoying the doll, and just as glad that you enjoy seeing her have a good time with it. Lots of fun times are ahead for both of you!

Valerie said...

Oh my goodness, she is adorable loving on her little doll! Do I see a baby doll stroller in her future? :)