Tuesday, February 5, 2013

He Made Me Laugh Today

This morning, Josiah and David and I were looking at one of the paintings in the book Come Look with Me: The Artist at Work.  The painting, by Van Gogh, is called "Gauguin's Chair"; and as is the custom of the book, certain questions were listed that we were supposed to discuss.  When we got to the question "Does this chair look comfortable to sit in?  Why or why not?", Josiah answered with a "yes, because of the cushion."  Fair enough.
I turned to David for his answer.  "No," he flatly responded.  "Why not?" I asked.  With a completely straight face, he said, "Because of the candle."  :)
Smarty pants.  ;-)


mamajil said...

I agree with David :) LOL!!! Neat book I've never heard of it I am gonna have check it out!!!

Unknown said...

I love his answer. Pants on fire won't be fun.

Davene Grace said...

Jilma - we have several books in the series, and I REALLY like them! I never had any art training, so I feel like a dummy when it comes to art. Jeff, on the other hand, grew up in a household with a professional artist (his dad), so he knows much more about art than I do! But these books are a great way to introduce famous artists and some of their pieces.