Monday, September 3, 2012

Something to Laugh About...Something to Ponder

On this Labor Day, here are two quick tidbits to pass along.  First, to make you laugh...

If you're friends with me on Facebook, you might have already seen this status update I posted earlier this afternoon; but I could not resist sharing it here on the blog as well.  It cracks me up every time I think about it...  :)

After lunch today, David was telling me riddles from a joke book while I was folding laundry. He got to this one: "What's easier to give than receive?" After I guessed "a punch" and was told that was incorrect, I gave up. He happily announced the answer: "Circumcision!" WHAT???? A riddle about CIRCUMCISION in a kids' joke book that his grandma gave him??? I'm sure it must be true that circumcision is easier to give than receive, but still! Should we be joking about that? Then I looked at the page and discovered the real answer to that riddle was "criticism." Oh my stars, I laughed and laughed until I cried. Maybe I'd better add both "circumcision" and "criticism" to David's reading lesson, so he doesn't make that mistake again. Those words are too important to be mixing up!! ;)


And something to ponder...

This quote comes from the end of Prince Caspian (by C.S. Lewis, but I probably didn't have to say that, did I?) when the title character is lamenting his Telmarine heritage and wishing for a more honorable lineage.  Aslan silences him with this:


bekahcubed said...

I can truly write "LOL" to that one, for I was laughing out loud-so much so that I probably sounded rather like I was SOBBING were anyone in the house to hear.

And I love that quote. I was thinking of it just the other day--in that case, it seemed a completely random thought, but it's always one worth meditating on.

Margie said...

You know I love any Narnia quote. Elizabeth is ready for me to begin reading the series again. Having so recently finished, I'd like to take a break with some other books, but so far haven't found anything as entertaining (we're on Black Beauty now, which is not bad, however). But this quote is one to which we've returned because it's so memorable and teachable. As so much of it is!