Saturday, September 22, 2012

Clearing the Camera

I tried to use our old camera recently--it's the one that can take short video clips besides regular photos, so I keep it around mostly for that purpose--but the disk was full.  Time to clear it out.  In the process, I discovered some videos I never posted, so...

...better late than never!  The posts on my blog that have these little home videos are probably my boys' favorite posts, and I really should do them more often.  I'll try to remember that.  :)

One night, while Jeff and Josiah were playing a game of chess, Tobin and David were running towards Moriah and making her laugh...  

Tobin and Shav were racing around the living room and kitchen; and Moriah, seated at floor-level in her Bumbo, watched them go by.  I loved how her eyes followed them.  :)  One note of explanation: at the beginning when Tobin is getting ready to start the race, he doesn't just say, "Ready, set, go!"  Instead, he adds a bunch of other words before he finally gets to "go."  He does that because sometimes, when Jeff and I in charge of starting a race--usually between Josiah and David--we try to be tricky and make them think it's time to start when it's really not.  For example, we might say, "Ready...set...GOLDFISH!"  They start sprinting, and then a split second later they realize that we never said "go" and they have to come back and start all over again.  It doesn't sound very funny when I write it out like this; but trust me, they think it's great. :)  Tobin has seen us do that, so he was trying to imitate that; but rather than choosing a word that sounds like the beginning of the word "go," he was tossing out completely random words that popped into his head but which had nothing to do with "go."  Shav didn't seem to mind.  :)

Moriah's hair lays down more often these days and looks less like a fauxhawk than it once did.  On this particular day however, it was standing up enough to catch the breeze as she was swinging.  :)

A behind-the-scenes look at how we got ready for Moriah's four-month photo shoot.  Video by David.  :)

Another one by him.  He and Tobin were being so distracting that I couldn't get Moriah to look where I wanted her to.  Oh, well, I'm just glad they love their little sister so much.  :)

Ever since Shav learned his latest memory verse, he is liable to start saying it at any time...particularly if someone begins to argue or says something about a "foolish and stupid argument."  Who needs a conscience when Shav is around?  ;)

David wanted a turn to say that memory verse, too.  :)

Shav's version of jumping jacks...  :)

One afternoon during quiet time, I discovered Tobin sitting in a chair he had pulled into the living room from the kitchen.  He was just watching Moriah.  So, so sweet.  :)

Fun with tricycles and roller shoes.  David loves to wear those shoes...
...and then hitch a ride with whoever is pedaling by.  :)

Watching these short little clips reminds me again of a simple truth:

I am blessed!!!

1 comment:

Sara @ Embracing Destiny said...

Love the videos. They made me laugh out loud. It also reminded me I need to take more videos of my girls!