Saturday, September 8, 2012

Busy, Happy, Grateful

Life is full.

As we get back into our fall routine - with homeschool,  children's choir, violin lessons, and a few other extras in the schedule - I feel the gears shift in our schedule.  Summer's lull is over.  The pace of life quickens.

But it is good.

And I am grateful.

Sometimes the words of Colossians 3:23-24 come to my mind to encourage me.  "Whatever you do - {whether it be reading about Christopher Columbus with your boys, listening to them practice violin, changing a diaper, folding clean clothes, slicing potatoes for supper, comforting a child who awakens in the night from a bad dream, planning for your upcoming vacation, preparing corn for the freezer, etc.} - work at it with all your heart, as working for the is the Lord Christ you are serving."
Amen, Lord.  So be it!

1 comment:

Sally said...

I still cannot believe all that you fit in, all the extras of choir, violin, etc. You enable your children to live such rich lives, and I know God gives you strength for it all. You encourage me to try to stay out of ruts and look beyond my four walls (though it might be a few years until I actually move beyond them!).