Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sometimes the Solution Is Simple

Two days ago, I lamented the disorganized state of my bedroom, including the ever-present baskets of clean clothes waiting to be folded and put away.  Since that time, I haven't carved out any significant amount of time to transform my room; but I was struck by one single, simple idea for how to positively change it.  

Ready for this?  Here it is:

Don't put the baskets of clean laundry in that room until I'm ready to fold them.

Brilliant, isn't it?  ;-)

The thing with laundry is that, although it's one of the household tasks that I've always enjoyed (as I was growing up, I would have chosen laundry over cleaning every time!), it's also a job that feels--and literally is--never-ending.  With six people in our family, we create a substantial amount of laundry every single day, so the task is truly never done.  I've discovered that it fits the rhythm of my days for me to have a load or two of laundry washed and dried by the time I go to bed at night so that in the morning, soon after breakfast and before Shav takes his morning nap and we begin school, I can fold and put away those clothes.  While I'm doing it, Shav--and usually some of his big brothers--play contentedly upstairs which gives them a change of scenery from our living room/kitchen area.  So it's a good system that's working well for us right now.  

However, inevitably those baskets of clothes that were waiting to be folded in the morning would end up on my cedar chest at the end of my bed, and I would have to look at them all night.  Well, not when my eyes were closed.  ;-)  But I would see them before I went to sleep and when I woke up, and they just made the room feel very messy.

I have no idea why I didn't think of this long ago, but I have now decided that I don't have to carry those baskets upstairs at night--imagine that!  The wonderful black bench (an old church pew) in our kitchen is a perfect place to set those baskets after my parents have gone home for the night after eating supper with us and after the boys are in bed.  The baskets aren't in anyone's way; and it's as simple as pie to carry them upstairs in the morning, usually while Shav is in his highchair eating breakfast.
Having a new overnight resting place for my laundry baskets doesn't solve all the clutter problems in my bedroom, but it is one step towards having a more organized, restful room; and for that, I am grateful.  Now, if only I could find some time to tackle my closet...  :)


Anonymous said...

Yay for simple easy ideas to make a huge difference in our lives! I love when I have those "brilliant" ideas that are so simple but make a huge impact!

bekahcubed said...

That's wonderful! For me, it was closing my closet doors before I went to bed. That way there was one whole wall-like area that looked neat and clean. All the other walls had furniture that tended to get stacked full of papers, laundry, whatever--and, like you mentioned, I just couldn't rest with clutter meeting my eye as I fell asleep and awoke!