Sunday, January 30, 2011

In the Nation's Capital

During a quick, impromptu trip to our nation's capital today, we learned a few things.

1. Driving--and parking--in downtown D.C. is MUCH better on Sunday than on any other day of the week.  It was actually fairly pleasant to drive through the city streets this morning!

2. A group of people, carrying huge flags and banners with Arabic writing, marched through the streets, past the window of the restaurant in which we ate.  It wasn't difficult to guess that they were marching in support of the people of Egypt.  Our hearts go out to the people there.

3.  D.C. has beautiful buildings, imposing statues, and a weighty sense of power that pervades the city.  Yet more alluring to me than the grandest monument...
...was the face of my dear little Shav, who was so tired as we left the city that he immediately started...well...sleeping like a baby.
More marvelous than the construction required to build the Washington Monument...
...was the construction God used to form my sweet Tobin Bear.
When I look at their faces and catch a glimpse, through their eyes, of their souls, I realize again that...

...things, no matter how impressive, are ultimately meaningless.  


Margie said...

Your last sentence: Yes.

Davene Grace said...

Thank you, Margie!

On another note...I forgot to say that Jeff is the one who took the pictures of the Washington Monument. He actually held the camera out the window of our minivan and snapped them while we were waiting at a stoplight. I'm sorry that I didn't give credit where credit is due! :)

Julie said...

Quick, impromptu, trip, and nation's capital are words that I don't think have ever made it into a sentence much less a Sunday around here!

Anonymous said...

oo yay for quick trips into the city!! Looks like you guys had a blast!