Monday, January 24, 2011


Discovery #1

If you wait long enough--say, two or three or ten years--to sort through a pile of paperwork, you'll find that virtually all of it is outdated and worthless and ready to be put in the pile of kindling to get the next fire going in your woodstove!  It surely makes sorting through old papers easy.  ;-)

The exception to this rule is if you happen to find an old check that you never cashed, and now it's much too old to be worth anything, and you're kicking yourself for, in essence, throwing money away.  That happened to me once, and I still cringe at the memory.

Discovery #2

Jeff did a personality test last evening and discovered that he's an ENFJ.  He wanted me to take it, so I did--haltingly--asking his opinion when I got to the hard "Do I tend to be unbiased even if this might endanger my good relations with people?" and "Am I somewhat reserved and distant in communication?" etc.  (To that one, he said "yes," but I thought surely, "no.")  Finally he urged me to stop asking him the answers and just fill it out the best I could.  :)

My result?  INFJ.  I think that's slightly different than what I was in college, but I can't remember for sure.  I know the "I" was there, and I'm almost positive the "J" was, too.  But maybe I was ISFJ?  Stephanie, who was a fellow music major in college, was the same classification as I was; she occasionally reads my blog, and perhaps her memory is better than mine and she knows what we were back in those days.

From this site, I learned that only one percent of the population is INFJ, so we're very rare.  I'm also "a perfectionist who doubts that [I'm] living up to [my] full potential."  In addition, INFJs "make loving parents and usually have strong bonds with their offspring."  That's good to know.  :)

Discovery #3

Hearing your sleeping child break out in laughter in the middle of the night is a wondrous thing.  What makes him laugh???

Discovery #4

Exactly 17 years ago, on January 23, 1994, I heard a sermon by our friend Jim Nichols entitled, "When God Is Silent."  (I know this because I found a copy of my notes from that sermon when I was going through a pile of {mostly useless} papers!)  Yesterday, on January 23, 2011, I heard another sermon on the same topic, "Know Who's Talking to You," preached by Phil Booker.  Both deal with hearing God's voice; and although I can't recall what specific impact the sermon in 1994 had on me, I know for sure that this topic is extremely important for me here in 2011--specifically, as we continue to seek for God's direction in the area of church fellowship.

The quote that stood out to me the most yesterday was this:
I can't think of anyone in the Bible who followed Jesus and didn't have courage.
Hmmm...neither can I.  But truthfully, does it take much--or any--courage to be a part of the normal American Christian church?


Unknown said...

Your discoveries were wonderful. Glad you confirmed how wonderful a parent you are.

Kate said...

Yay for INFJ's! We're just unique is all! =)

Davene Grace said...

JDaniel4's Mom - thanks, but...well, I'm not so sure about being a wonderful parent. But I do love my kids fiercely! :)

Stephanie B. said...

Hi Davene! That's funny, I had forgotten we were the same personality type, but makes a lot of sense. I have taken that test a number of times and I am usually INFJ, but am very close to the "S". I always second-guess my self on personality tests too!

Davene Grace said...

Stephanie - thank you! It's interesting that you've stayed so consistent in your results. I had to wonder last night if my results would be the same if I happened to take the test on another day, when my mood was different!

Now I'm wondering if there is a higher percentage than average of INFJs who blog...or read blogs...or specifically, read my blog. :) With you, me, and Kate, at least we know there's three of us! :)

Patti said...

I had to take the Meyers-Briggs when I was receiving training to go overseas to teach for two years. I remember over-analyzing every question, but I think I ended up being an INTP, which was another of the 1% ones, if I remember. I also remember being slightly annoyed that people paraded their acronym as an excuse to not get along with other missionaries who had an opposing acronym. I think, at one point, because I was young and less-than-gracious, I actually said something along the lines of "Jesus is able to overcome your Meyers-Briggs assessment!" I was a delight to be around, as you can imagine :)