Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What I Really Wanted to Do Tonight {and What I Really Did}

After I got Moriah tucked into bed tonight, all I really wanted to do was flop on the couch and read a book, Lion of Babylon by Davis Bunn.  It's been years since I read a Davis Bunn book; but someone recently surprised Jeff by giving this one to him, and he enjoyed it so much that, of course, I wanted to read it, too.  :)

But there were these peaches, you see, just lazing around on our air hockey table, their round cheeks getting redder and redder all the time, and--horrors!---some of them were even developing bad spots.  If I didn't use them, I was gonna lose them...and I HATE to do that.

One thing I've learned as I've gotten older is that maturity means doing the right thing, even when you don't feel like it - doing what you need to do, rather than what you want.  So I decided to act like a grown-up and can peaches.

14 quarts later, I'm glad to have that task done (although there are still more peaches on the air hockey table, but they'll save for tomorrow).  And since I'm waiting on some jars that are still in the canner, I think I just might sit down on the couch and read a little of that book after all.  :)

The only question is: will I act like a grown-up and only read until the jars come out of the canner?

Or will I do what I really want to do and stay up until I finish the book?

Hmmmm.  Maybe I'm not so mature after all.  ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha! If your eyeballs can stay open any longer than it takes for the canner to finish.......or even remember the next day what you already read!! Gail