Monday, September 23, 2013

Capturing the Ordinary Moments {Video Edition}

Some time ago, I had completely filled up the disk of our old camera, the one I use mostly for short little videos; and, although I didn't mean to procrastinate about downloading them to our computer, that's exactly what I did.  Weeks went by, and occasionally I would think, "Oh, I should grab the camera and video this or that," then remember regretfully that the disk was full.  And then, of course, I would think, "I REALLY need to download those and clear the disk."  And then I would forget. 

Until the next time I wanted to take a video of something...

It happened over and over again, until finally - yesterday - I decided to do it.  No more procrastination!  

Something funny happened yesterday though, as I was doing that long-put-off task. I was preparing this post and was planning to get it finished last evening; but since the numerous videos in it took F-O-R-E-V-E-R to load, I didn't get it ready in time.  While I was waiting, however, I happened to look back at previous posts that included home-videos and I discovered that - lo and behold - exactly one year prior, I had been doing the exact same kind of post: a video dump to clear the disk.  Is there something about September 22 that inspires me to do this?  :)

Well, this year I broke the tradition a little because I didn't get the post finished until September 23rd.  Maybe next year I'll do this kind of post on September 24th.  :)

These videos are not very recent.  As a matter of fact, the first six I posted here were taken all the way back on March 24 of this year.  Here is Shav demonstrating his counting skills, and my favorite things about it are the way Shav shakes his head and says "no" when I ask if he can count and then the way he tries to carefully enunciate "four."  :)
This next one shows how Moriah moved.  She's come a long way in the past six months.  :)  Besides watching her do her version of crawling, I also like hearing her voice say "a-da"...and the way her mouth moves when we ask her to say "dada"...but actually it's Shav's voice that says the "dada's" you can hear.  :)
Shav and I have this little thing we do: I sing a little song to the tune of "Happy Birthday," (the words are simple - "Shavi Pavi, I love you"), and during each line, he says "I'm right here!"  This is the song I use if I need to wake him up - or just want to put a smile on his face.  :)
In the video above, he gives his "I'm right here" answer very calmly, but the next video shows how he normally says it.  He tries to burst out with it as soon as I start singing the next line of the song.  :)
Another video of Moriah crawling.  :)
Shav saying the names of our family members, which reminds me of the second video in this post on my old blog, except that time, it was David saying everybody's names in his sweet childish voice.  :)
OK, this makes me laugh.  I'm not sure why Shav decided to dance this way, but a three-year-old can even look cute doing that.  :)  (Video taken on March 26, 2013)
On the same day, Tobin joined in the dance.  It's hard to hear the music, but it's actually a Spanish CD about colors.  The boys call it the penguin CD because there's a penguin on the cover.
Just a regular ol' evening at home with the family - March 28, 2013.
All the rest were taken on May 14, and my specific goal was to record how Moriah moved and got around when she was 13 months old.  :)

I also got to watch David doing handstands, one of his favorite things to do indoors.  :)
I sure do love my family.

I sure do love my life.

I sure do love having my camera disk cleared off and ready to be filled up again with more snippets of that life.  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sweet!! I love watching the boys interact with Moria!