Wednesday, September 11, 2013

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday {The First Time I Cried on Sept. 11...}

...was not in 2001...

...but in 1997 when my maternal grandfather died.

Four years before September 11 was anything but an ordinary day on the calendar, it became a day of mourning for us.


Homeschool on the Croft said...

I know what it is to mourn for the loss of a grandfather ...

I often think of things like this when specific dates are remembered (rightly!) ... but so many people will have their own story connected with that day. How many mothers gave birth to a precious child on *that* Sept 11? How many other people lost loved ones who'd been battling cancer, or some other illness - they lost, they mourned (and still do), and nobody in the world talked about it.

And such is life in our world of sin. ... But it's a world of grace too, and so we mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice. I am thankful that I'm able to rejoice, having no great cause of mourning in my own life.

sally said...

In the last picture I saw that you look SO MUCH like your grandmother Winters! (BTW, I have always loved your grandparents' last name--Winters!) Your mom looks like her dad. Thanks for sharing. 9/11 is a really special day for us, because it's Andrew's birthday. It's a little hard to combine the solemnity and sorrow of what happened in 2001 with celebrating a birthday, but we do it.

Unknown said...

Certain date and seasons stand out for me too. I lost all my grandparents in the fall. I remember just having started school years when they passed.