Thursday, January 14, 2016

A Camera at the Dinner Table

Some people bring their camera to the table to photograph a beautiful meal stunningly arranged on fancy plates with gorgeous linens and lovely decorations in the background.

I had no such motivation tonight, our simple meal of spaghetti hurriedly prepared after returning from kid's activities and errands in town not inspiring me to great heights of picture-taking.  We did have Girl Scout Cookies for dessert though so the meal wasn't a total downer, but I didn't take any pictures of that.  ;-)

What stood out to me this evening as being picture-worthy was this.
 A grandfather, having finished his food, holding his youngest grandson, so the mommy could have her turn eating.
 I smile when I see Benjamin's little fingers gripping my dad's thumb.
I smile even more when I remember our move here to Virginia, almost 10 and a half years ago, our dreams of connecting the generation before us with the one behind us becoming a reality.  They're connected.  :)
Seeing my camera prompted Moriah to say, "Take a picture of me, Mommy!"
Well, of course.  :)

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