Sunday, March 22, 2015

What Happened Today

Josiah and David performed in a wonderful concert with their Junior Strings group, playing a movement from Mozart's Symphony No. 1 and several selections from Fiddler on the Roof, and...
 ...I reached 15 weeks of pregnancy!
Important note: Josiah HAS had a growth spurt this year, and he IS getting pretty close to reaching my height.  HOWEVER, these photos are deceiving.  Because of the hill we were standing on, he looks like he's practically as tall as me; and he ISN'T in real life.

Yet.  ;-)
A bunch of other stuff happened today, too, of course.

But those two are the big things worth mentioning.  :)


Jo Ann said...

You look so cute! And David is cracking me up in those photos! :)

sally said...

Lovely pictures! And you look so gorgeous in that outfit. Every time I see a picture of Josiah these days, I am struck by how much he has grown, and how "boy" just doesn't seem the term to use when referring to him anymore. Wow! That happened so fast!