Wednesday, July 2, 2014

If I Could Think of Any Adjective But Proud...

...I would use it.  But as it is, the word "proud" comes roaring into my head, every time I even begin to think about what happened this evening.  After all, it's not every day that Jeff gets officially sworn in as an auxiliary police officer for our city!

So much led up to this moment: hours and hours and hours of listening to lectures and studying written material about every conceivable topic related to modern law enforcement (being a cop certainly doesn't seem that complicated when you watch Andy Griffith do it! but modern officers have a HUGE amount of information that they are responsible for), participating in training scenarios, being pepper-sprayed, being tased, going on ride-alongs with other officers, spending time at the shooting range, etc.  Jeff has devoted much time and energy to it during this past year, and tonight was an exciting, fulfilling culmination to the process of becoming an officer.

All of us went to watch him--well, all except Moriah, who got to stay at Grandma and Grandpa's house and play with all kinds of fun toys  :)  --but the rest of us were there.  While we were waiting for the ceremony to begin, David wanted a turn with the camera; and he took this picture...which, by the way, Shav did NOT want to be in.  It appears that Josiah DID want to be in it however.  :)
 Shav and Tobin entertained themselves by playing with little cars...
 ...while we waited.
 And then Jeff and the others came in, and the ceremony began.
 It was all so important...and solemn...and weighty...and well, ceremonial.  I hardly had the nerve to lift my camera to my eye to take any pictures at first, so I held it down on my lap and sort of surreptitiously aimed it in Jeff's general direction and snapped a few pics.  ;-)
 Our Chief of Police did part of the ceremony.
 Amy, a friend of mine, got to pin her husband's badge on his uniform...
 ...and then it was my turn to do Jeff's.  Goodness, but that made my hands shake!  It was so silly to be nervous about it, but I'll admit that I was.  Really, what could go wrong?  But I felt like it was taking me half of forever to figure out which way to do the pin...and to push it through the right holes...and to catch the latch correctly at the bottom.  I was glad when it was over and I could give Jeff a kiss before hurrying back to my seat!  ;-)

Luis, one of the other new officers, got pinned by his children.
The ceremony continued with people saying a lot of nice things...
 ...and some special gifts being given.
 And then, the part that might conceivably rank at the top for at least some of my boys: the cake.  :)

 As people mingled, took pictures, and enjoyed the chance to celebrate...
...I looked around the room and felt so grateful for the chance to soak in a little of the environment that has become a big part of Jeff's life during the past year.

I am so, so proud of him!!!  :)

For a little coverage from a local news channel, click here.  :)


sally said...

You know what else has come to my mind as I've read this, and in the last while as I knew this was in the works? What an example this is to all of us--someone who isn't just sitting back and feeling like they're done--they got their degree, they have their profession, they have a home and the bills are being paid, so they can just coast. Instead, Jeff is pushing ahead, thinking of new things to keep from becoming stale and cynical, going into new territory to give back to his community, perfecting a skill outside his profession, and all this when he doesn't NEED to. Way to go! (And way to go Davene for supporting him and encouraging him to pursue his own interests!)

Anonymous said...

Wow that is awesome!!! Way to go Jeff (and Ed.. well and all of them.. but those are the 2 I know *winks*)!!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Hey, no *wonder* you're 'proud' :) That is a great honour for him, and wonderful that you were able to attach that badge. I hope he has many years of happy service,,,
Anne x