Sunday, June 22, 2014

Smile Break!

I'm going to take a break tonight from posting about the choir tour, mostly so that I can go to bed earlier than I have been.  :)  But also because I want to remember one evening recently, when David got home from Vacation Bible School and told me his stomach was hurting.  After going through my routine line of questioning--"are you hungry? do you need to go to the bathroom? would you like to lie down on the couch?"--I told him that he could eat some of the grape pie that was left from supper.

A while later, I found this note...
I laughed and laughed when I read it.  :)  (And then I resolved to focus more on spelling and punctuation with David!  But of course, he was just jotting a note and wasn't trying to be proper.)  ;-)

Oh, that David!  He is a ball of sunshine in our family.  :)

1 comment:

sally said...

That is so funny! I wish all tummy aches were cured that way. I'd keep a few grape pies in the freezer for cures!