Thursday, May 1, 2014

Three Peas in a Pod

I've mentioned before how special it was for me to be pregnant with Shav while my next-door neighbor was pregnant with her fourth child.  When I found out how close in age our babies would be, I pictured them growing up and playing together as the years went by.

What I failed to consider is how much fun Tobin would also have with Shav and Jason.  Of course, Tobin and Shav are as close as two brothers can be, but Tobin has another ardent fan besides his little brother.  Jason thinks the world of Tobin and absolutely loves to play with him.  Now that Tobin is six and Jason and Shav are nearly five, it is not at all uncommon for me to look out a window and see this threesome hanging out together.
Out of respect for their Old Order Mennonite convictions about not having cameras and (in general) not having their picture taken, I don't usually take pictures of our neighbors.
 But one day recently when this trio of boys was playing together, I thought it wouldn't be too bad to snap a few pictures from the window where I was standing to watch them.  ;-)
 Tonight I'm grateful for the gift of brothers...
 ...AND neighbors...
...who happen to be some of the very best friends you could ever ask for.  :)

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