Wednesday, August 17, 2016

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday {The Fair of 2016}

Shav made maple fudge, Tobin made forgotten cookies and congo bars (chocolate chip cookie bars), David made no-bake cookies, Josiah made mint fudge, and I made salted caramel chocolate chip cookie bars to enter in the fair.
We were delighted that...
...Tobin won second prize for his congo bars...  :)
...and for his forgotten cookies...  :) did Shav for his maple fudge.  :)

Josiah won first for his mint fudge!  :)
David didn't place for his cookies, but we all thought they were great anyway.  :)
And my salted caramel chocolate chip cookie bars got second.  :)

A special part of going to the fair this year was hanging out there with our friends Hannah and Dean and their sweet grandma Janie.  :)

My favorite part of the whole evening was riding the merry-go-round with Moriah.  ♥

But I love everything about the fair.  :)

1 comment:

Emily said...

Congratulations! You guys did very well! I think you should share some of your prize winning recipes! I'm always looking to try new things.
Looks like you had a wonderful time at the fair. Moriah really is the sweetest little girl!