Sunday, April 19, 2015

Peach Tree & Other Springtime Delights

On a night when I have many *important* things that I could blog about - birthdays, a concert, other extracurricular activities, etc. - I find that all I have the heart for is scribbling a quick post about, of all things, our peach tree.  I'd really rather go hide in a cave and fall asleep; but before I get my wish, I decided to find a bit of beauty to share.  I think these pictures will suffice.  :)

We haven't yet had our peach tree for a whole year; but so far, so good.  It isn't dead yet.  ;-)  It's been delightful to see the beautiful blossoms come out on it this spring - our first spring in which we get to watch our own peach tree bud.  New life is beautiful.


We took these pictures yesterday as we enjoyed the pleasure of a warm Saturday evening outside.  I was 18 weeks, 6 days pregnant; and Tobin was my photographer.

And then I watched Moriah on the trampoline and wished for the enthusiasm and lightness and buoyancy and joy that she has!

Next spring, it will be my turn to jump and twirl on the trampoline.  ;-)

1 comment:

sally said...

Beautiful pictures! 18 weeks and 6 days! *gasp* When did you get that far along in your pregnancy. I think just last week you were like 10 or 11 weeks along. I believe you skipped month in there somewhere! ;) Congratulations for being nearly half-way!