Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Entertainment of the Evening

For Christmas, we gave Tobin and Shav each a remote-controlled car; and yesterday, David suddenly decided that he needed to have one, too--so they could have races, of course.  :)  It worked out that we could go by the store late this afternoon on our way to rehearsal for the Junior Strings ensemble that Josiah and David are in, and David could buy himself a car.  He had plenty of money saved up and was excited to spend some of it in that way, which was a good choice, I thought.

This evening, after supper, the boys did indeed have some races, made especially hilarious by the fact that David's car can be controlled, not only by his own controller, but also by Shav's--and vice versa, of course.  That caused some interesting predicaments in the races, for sure!  :)

A little while later, David came up with another way to be entertaining, using his new car.  He somehow got Moriah to pretend that it was a dog; and then when she would come to pet it, he would make it move, and she would shriek and run up the steps.  Before long, Shav and then Tobin joined in, unable to resist the attraction of their little sister's laughter.  Who could?  :)

In the summer, our entertainment in the evenings is simple: go outside.  But in the winter, it can be a little more challenging to find appropriate ways to channel the energy and exuberance of the children, especially when it's been below freezing all day and they haven't spent much time at all outdoors.

For this one winter evening, at least, David's creativity with his new car and his willingness to play with his adoring younger siblings made for a very pleasant, albeit noisy, evening indeed.  :)

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