Tuesday, August 19, 2014

When a Five-Year-Old Takes Pictures at an Amusement Park...

...you might be surprised what images you find on your camera!  At least, that's what happened to me after our trip to Kings Dominion this past weekend.  :)

At one point in the afternoon, Jeff and David were off riding the Rebel Yell, and Tobin and Josiah were riding something else (Ricochet, maybe?), and Shav, Moriah, and I were hanging out together, waiting for the others to return.  Shav was, understandably, getting a little antsy, so I handed him my camera so he could entertain himself.

And so that I could be entertained later when I saw the photos he took!  ;-)

His best one?  This.  :)
That photo is SOOC*, by the way.  Not a bit of editing done to that.  It made me smile, just the way it was--the squishy ball in focus, me out of focus, and the pink in the flowers along with the pink of the ball.  I like it.  :)

* Straight Out Of Camera

Of course, there were also plenty of somewhat less stellar ;-) pictures that looked like this...
 ...or this (that's the pavement, by the way)...
...or this (because everyone needs a blurry picture of one's shoe)...
 ...or this.

But there were also a few that I really and truly thought were pretty good, especially for a five-year-old who just happened to be passing the time at Kings Dominion by taking pictures of random things.  :)  (Note: all photos by Shav, some very minor editing by me--i.e. I cropped this first photo to cut some other people out of it.)  ;-)

I'm thinking I should hand the camera over to Shav more often!  :)

1 comment:

Pam said...

I think the perspective of a five year old is delightful. Looks like a fun day. You have probably created a future photographer…I have a few of them in my family.