Saturday, August 9, 2014

What Country Women Do at 2:30 in the Morning

Sometimes we can tomatoes.

Not every night, of course (thank goodness for that)!  But once in a while, when the hundreds (feels like it!) of tomato plants in the garden are all producing tomatoes, and the men of the family kindly picked a ton (nearly!) after supper (when all I really was expecting was one bucket full), the task looms large: do something with these tomatoes OR ELSE.

Not wanting to waste the delicious, healthy produce God made grow in our little plot of land, I decided that yes, I could stay up late.  I could do this.  I could can these tomatoes!

Now the last load of jars is in the canner, and I'm eagerly awaiting the time when I can take them out and haul my weary bones off to bed.

It sure is convenient that I happen to be a night owl; but honestly, I'm glad I don't have to do this every night. I'm also glad that I'll probably be able to find a way to finagle a nap into tomorrow's (I mean, today's) schedule.  ;-)

~ pictures taken much earlier today (I mean, yesterday) when I had a cute little helper with me ~

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