Saturday, August 2, 2014

Doing the Dishes

Doing the Dishes
~ by Gunilla Norris, in Being Home
My life will always have dirty dishes.
If this sink can become
a place of contemplation,
let me learn constancy here.
I gaze through the window above the sink.
There I see the constancy of dawn,
the constancy of dusk,
the constancy of the seasons,
of the sun and moon,
and the rotation of the planets.
Your love is discerned by repetition.
Turn and return me to Your love.
Let my fitful human constancy
be strengthened in the willing,
wheeling wonder of Your stars.


Emily said...

The last picture. So beautiful. Made me cry. The innocence and trust in both your mom and daughters faces is captivating. 3 generations with you in the middle.

sally said...

Somehow, you make even the mundane and dreary parts of life seem sacred and honorable. Truly that is a blessed gift.