Tuesday, August 26, 2014

When a Daughter Reaches up to Her Daddy...

...if he's any kind of loving, attentive father at all...
 ...it won't be too long before he reaches down...
 ...and takes her into his arms.
 If Jeff, imperfect (though wonderful!) father though he may be, does this...
 ...how much more does our Daddy in heaven do this for us...
...his beloved kids?

I was thinking about this tonight while washing some dishes, and then a song came on the radio that I had never heard before--or if I had heard it, it hadn't stood out to me.  The song was this.  How appropriate.  :)
Every day, every week, every month, every year has its challenges; but some days seem to have bigger ones than other days do!  During this week of extra big challenges for me, one thing that's keeping me afloat is this image of God reaching down to pick me up and carry me.

Because I am his cherished little girl.

1 comment:

Emily said...

What a beautiful reminder.