Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Grape Harvest (with a New Helper)

While we were away on vacation, we wondered a little about what was happening to our grapes: were they ripening too fast? were any critters bothering them? would there be any left when we got home so we could harvest them?  Ever since the year our grapes disappeared, we've been on pins and needles until the grape harvest is completed, since now we know firsthand the truth of the saying, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch," as it applies to grapes!

We were relieved to discover, when we returned home, that our grapes were just fine; and I knew that one of the first tasks of that settling-in week would be harvesting and preserving the grapes.  Monday morning--Labor Day--we began.

For the first time this year...
 ...we had a new helper.
 He just happened to come along right when we needed assistance...
 ...and his efforts made the beginning of the project speed along.
And who is the mystery man?
 Kevin, the Painter!  He laid down his brush and picked up some scissors and, accompanied by his faithful sidekick Tobin, took the first shift of grape-picking.  Many hands make light work, and we were grateful for the unexpected help!

With those grapes, we made enough filling for 23 pies; and it was a delight to pop the containers of prepared grapes into the freezer, knowing how good it will taste in the future when we make those pies!

There were still more grapes on the vine, but I needed to be gone some on Tuesday morning, so I gave instructions to the four oldest boys to pick what they could.  Remembering the general grumpiness that had accompanied the picking last year, I wasn't at all sure how it would go, but was thrilled when I got home and discovered that they had had a great time together.  They got a lot done, they had fun doing it, and my heart rejoiced.

 Benjamin was crazy about these grapes; and in the days leading up to this harvest, every time he was outside, he would head towards the grapevine and wait for someone to pick some and give them to him.  He ate so many of them!

Content with grapes for 23 pies, I decided to use the grapes the boys picked on this day to make juice, so by the end of the day, I had nine half-gallons of good, sweet juice canned and ready for the cellar.

There were still a few clusters of grapes left on the vine, but they were high and hard to reach.  I intended for either Josiah or I to climb up and try to get them the next day, but as it turned out, it was a rainy day and not suitable for climbing around on ladders.  And then after that, my attention turned to other things, so I never did get back to that task--an inadvertent following of Deuteronomy 24:21 perhaps!  ;-)

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