Sunday, November 16, 2014

I Want to Take More Pictures of My Dad

Here's a start.  :)

Besides taking more pictures of my dad, I also want to give praise where praise is due and mention how devoted he continues to be to my mom.  He goes to visit her almost every day and cares for her with as much faithful love and loyalty as he ever did, which is a considerable amount!  ;-)  The fact that her address has changed doesn't mean that he's backed off in his commitment to her, and I appreciate that so much about him.

My mom's been having quite a time with her back recently, with a compression fracture to blame for the horrible pain she's been dealing with.  Dad has been especially attentive to her and has ached with her, carrying her pain on his shoulders and doing everything he can to help ease it for her.  It's made my own heart ache to see how this has weighed on him; but at the same time, I'm grateful for his deep love for her that makes him care so much.

As a child, I received such security from my parents' strong, loving marriage.

Guess what?  I still do. Thank you, Dad!!!  :)

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