Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wordless Wednesday {Beauty in the Bathtub}


lizzy said...! She is a beauty! And a cutie! And getting so big! I love the top picture of all the kids! Their faces are so precious and boy, do they all make me smile! Looking forward to catching up on your blog my friend.....


Anonymous said...

Do you have your shower doors taken off? I discovered this week that the bottom track of the shower doors is only glued into place and not screwed so I could have taken the doors off and removed that part of the track so the girls wouldn't have to climb over it all the time. That track has annoyed me since we moved in.


Davene Grace said...

Thank you so much, Elizabeth! :)

Katie, great question about the shower doors! :) Actually, the track is for a folding, accordion-style (sort of), plastic door. It can be pushed to the side and only takes up maybe 4 or 5 inches of space; that's why it doesn't show up in the pictures. I do NOT like it. However, it works fine, and there's no reason to replace it...well, no reason except aesthetics! ;-) We haven't done anything to redo that bathroom since we moved back here. I take that back: we replaced the toilet. That was more of a necessity than a cosmetic decision though! :) Anyway, that's the story of the track. I'm happy for you that you discovered how to get rid of yours! :)

sally said...

What long hair she has!

Anonymous said...

Sat reading your blogs at 4 in the morning and loved hearing all the stories. I admire your walk with God and your happy heart and your family. You and Jeff and the children are such a blessing to my heart. If you wrote a book I would buy it.

Davene Grace said...

Sally - you are absolutely right. Her hair is crazy long! I love it (even when I don't quite know what to do with it). ;-)

Anonymous - thank you so much for your kind, encouraging words!