Saturday, January 18, 2014

A Little Bit of Elastic...

...makes a big, big difference.  :)

This is how Moriah usually looks when she wakes up.
 And this is how she looks a few minutes later after I've had a chance to make a quick ponytail for her to get her hair out of her face.
 In the four months since I first tried to fix Moriah's hair in this way, she's gotten used to it enough to sit still long enough for me to get the ponytail made.
 The next step will be for her to cooperate long enough for me to actually use a comb and neaten it up a bit. But baby steps...  :)
Our sweet little Pebbles.  :)


sally said...

Yay! I know she feels so much better without hair in her eyes. I know you feel better to an even bigger degree since you can see her face lovely face!

I confess that sometimes I'm getting all my kids ready to go somewhere, and it normally takes 20-30 minutes (o.k., maybe 15-20) to get everyone's HAIR fixed in order to appear in public (or even just first thing in the morning, IF it happens to be a morning when I decide to comb people's hair), I compare myself to you. I think, "Well, Davene just takes her kids to the park, to the track to run off energy, etc., on the spur of a moment, at the drop of a hat, SURELY I should be doing more of the same and not think it such a big deal to take my kids somewhere". Then, I think, "And yep, she has BOYS. They can just run out the door and look fine. I, on the other hand, have 3 heads of hair, (plus my own) to get in order before we go to the library". It does take time, but it's really only as big of a deal as I make it.

Davene Grace said...

Oh, Sally, this makes me smile! But you are absolutely right: getting boys ready is nothing compared to getting girls ready! :) Jeff keeps the boys' hair trimmed so nicely that we almost never even use a comb on it - it's great! :)

However, I don't think I drop everything and go with quite as much spontaneity and peace as you imagine. :) My greatest obstacle during the past year or so has been certain individuals who seem determined to move as SLOWLY as possible, just when I think they ought to be moving QUICKLY! Tries my patience, I tell ya! :)

As the years go by, I'm still going to be looking at your girls' heads to get ideas for Moriah's hair. :)